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Q: Does this program require any special equipment or software?
A: No, all that is necessary is Microsoft Excel.
Q: Do we have to download anything onto our computers?
A: No, you will receive the programs and it will work without any additional downloads.
Q: How do we receive the product after purchase?
A: You will receive the product via a USB flash drive along with a introduction packet.
Q: Do you have to have above average computer skills to execute the program properly?
A: No, if you know how to copy and paste you are good to go!
Q: Do the packages come with instructions?
A: Yes, each purchase will come with a user guide. We also recommend viewing our YouTube page for video instructions!
Q: Do I have to print the report to view it?
A: You can absolutely print the full reports, however it is not necessary and can be viewed on the computer very easily while saving time.
Q: How long will I have access to the programs upon purchase?
A: 365 Days.
Q: Can I save or share the programs across different computers?
A: No, whichever computer you initiate the program on will be the only computer the program will allow to run it.
Q: How many plays can be analyzed on each program? Should we worry about overloading the program?
A: Not at all, each program can evaluate 3000 plays.
Q: Do we have to fill every column of data for the program to run?
A: No, however, some of the reports may be incomplete if some data is not entered.
Q: Will our unique terminology work?
A: Yes, the program reads whatever you breakdown, so it is 100% adaptable to your program's terminology.
Q: How much breakdown do you recommend to get the most out of the product.
A: A great part of the program is that many formulas and additional detailed breakdowns are done automatically. Therefore, all you have to breakdown from the film is around 15-20 aspects of a play such as the generic R/P, Gain, Formation, Play, etc. that are normally tagged weekly.